Something Is Not Right!

OK, that’s pretty tongue in cheek, but simple mnemonics help me remember things. Maybe you too!
When something isn’t right and you want Interconnected Technologies to fix it, and if we’re not right there with you when it’s happening, the more information you can give us about the issue, the more likely we can fix it quickly and get you back to work.
Here’s a guide to how you can give us a more complete problem report that can help us help you!
Tell us where the problem is happening
Which user or users?
What device(s) or software program(s) or service(s)?
Describe what’s happening that indicates there is a problem
What is happening that’s bad?
What isn’t happening that is good, or that you expect, or usually happens?
Share with us what you see that indicates there is a problem
What error messages do you see?
What visual evidence can you share (a picture is always good!)?
Share with us any steps you’ve taken to try to resolve the problem
Have you restarted the devices, program or service, or done other things to try to resolve the problem on your own?
Here is a link to an already-written email that will help Outlook users send a problem report:
Using this link will open a new email in Outlook with a table ready to be filled in. If you don’t use Outlook, you can send an email to with information about the items above. Thanks for helping us help you!
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