How to send credit card information

If we've asked you to send us credit card information, please use the following instructions. We do not keep or store credit card information in any form, so will need the information anew each time. Given the protections that are already in place for credit card users, we’ve come up with the following, reasonably secure method:
- Split the credit card number in half. Just the numbers - no spaces or dashes.
- In one new (not a reply), otherwise-empty email, send the first part of the credit card number, along with the expiration month, name on the card, billing street, city, state, zip code and phone number.
- In a second, otherwise-empty (also not a reply) email, send the second part of the credit card number, along with the expiration year and security code (the three or four digit code on the back or front of the card).
First email:
John C. Client
3030 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
Second email (or text)
Please send this and *only* this information, in the form suggested above, to the direct email address of the Interconnected Technologies staff member with whom you are working, and not to support at or admin at
If you want to be a touch more secure, and if you have the mobile number of the Interconnected Technologies staff member with whom you're working, send the second part via text instead of email.
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